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After Care Program

Welcome to After Care at St. Martin’s Catholic School. We are licensed for this program by the State of Maryland and our staff is fully certified. This program is only for the students of St. Martin of Tours Catholic School. They may attend on a full time or drop in basis, based on available space, behavior and prompt payments.

Open from 2:40 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. each school day, the After Care Program provides professional care, supervision, recreation and enrichment activities. It serves working families who desire both parochial school education and supplementary day care in a Catholic environment for children enrolled at St. Martin of Tours Catholic School in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth.

This professionally operated program allows children to experience a rich diversity of growth activities planned to complement the philosophy and value systems of the Catholic school and family. Arts and craft projects, science experiments, games, recreation, and snack time are planned. There is also time set aside for homework completion.


Within a large family environment, the program strives to provide individual attention, security, consistency and fair treatment for children of working parents.

The After Care Program is staffed by experienced directors, and a number of devoted and committed teachers and aides. These people, employed on a full-time or part-time basis, work together to help each child grow in maturity and self-respect, as well as to maintain an atmosphere where there is respect and understanding for others.

Fees are the sole support of the St. Martin of Tours Catholic School After Care Program. It is not subsidized by the school or the parish, so prompt and current payment is essential in order to maintain the program and to pay our staff. Click here for After Care forms and Handbook.

Contact: Lillian Ruiz, Director


Direct Line: (301) 990-2441 ext 330

Hours: 2:40 pm-6 pm

For all billing inquiries, please


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