Apply to Pre-K Program
Pre-kindergarten-4 Admissions
We are excited that you are interested in our Pre-kindergarten-4 program. Our 4-year-old classes are full day from 7:55 am to 2:45 pm, Monday through Friday. Our Pre-k Program is the time to turn your curious child into an active, interested student who looks forward to going to school. A love of learning that begins in Pre-K starts your child down the road that leads to success in high school and beyond. We begin accepting applications for our program at our November Open House and continue until the classes are filled.
There is no admissions testing for placement in the program. Children must be four by September 1 of the school year for the 4 year old class and must be completely toilet-trained.
To apply to St. Martin's School for Pre-Kindergarten-4 Program:
1. Please fill out the TADS online application: TADS Application for St. Martin's Pay the $50 application fee as part of the
Submit to the school a copy of the child’s:
Birth Certificate
If Catholic: Baptism Certificate
Request for information from current teacher: Request Information for Pre-K
2. Schedule a Class Visit. During the Class Visit, observations and assessments will be done to determine appropriate
3. For accepted students an email will be sent with a link to the online system to register your child — please do so within
two weeks of acceptance. The $500 registration fee is non-refundable but is deducted from the cost of tuition.
4. Medical forms must be completed and returned by July 1.