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Home and School Association

The St. Martin’s School Home and School Association’s (HSA) primary role is to foster a strong working relationship between parents and school staff in support of our students. All school parents are members of the HSA and are invited to attend monthly HSA meetings, which provide an opportunity for parents and school staff to exchange information on the events and activities happening in our school community. Parents develop friendships with other parents while supporting efforts that benefit the various needs of our students and school. HSA officers are elected annually from among school parents and serve a two-year term. The HSA President attends School Advisory Board meetings and reports on the activities of the HSA.


Our dedicated group of HSA volunteers organize fundraisers, events and activities for students, school staff and parents throughout the year, including but not limited to monthly Dinner Night Out, Annual Dinner, Dance & Auction, the SMS booth at the Annual Gaithersburg Book Festival, and Friday Night Bingo. Homeroom Parents help to coordinate class parties and class-hosted school events such as Breakfast with Santa, Grandparent's Day and Teacher Appreciation Week.


Meetings are typically held on the second Thursday of every month from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, alternating between in-person (school library) and virtual (Zoom) - be sure to check the school calendar. Come and share your ideas, connect with other parents and learn about all the wonderful things happening at SMS!


Contact HSA at or please call the school office at (301) 990-2441 for immediate assistance. 



President:                                                        Sue Yeates – Contact school for the email address
Vice President:                                                Liza Ramos – Contact school for the email address
Secretary:                                                        Kristin Leroux – Contact school for the email address
Treasurer:                                                        Mali Venkatesan – Contact school for the email address




Homeroom Parent Coordinator:                       Kristin Leroux – Contact school for the email address

Homeroom Parent
Anna Rendor
Caroline Garcia
1st Grade
Nicole Danise
2nd Grade
Natalia Bobila & Diana Salinas
3rd Grade
Francis Arias & Natacha Collymore
4th Grade
Kristen Smoker
5th Grade
Kristin Leroux & Iris Haxhialiu
6th Grade
Dilcia Noren & Rona Price
7th Grade
Arvena DeShield
8th Grade
Nikki Woodland
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