Distance Learning Resources
Although our school building is temporarily closed, teaching and learning are happening remotely. Thanks to the strong partnership with our school families, we are staying connected, engaged, and ensuring that learning continues. The following resources may be of use to you and/or your students during this building closure.
General Resources for COV-19 School Closures:
Letter from Secretary of Education Bill Ryan: EnglishSpanish
Miss Jones’ Corner: In an effort to be a source of support, I will continue to share information and resources that may be of help: Caring for Crusaders
Mental Health, Stress and Anxiety: The Maryland Department of Mental Health has information sheets for individuals, parents of young children, teens, young adults, health care workers, older adults and individuals with disabilities.
My Kids School Is Closed So Now What - ideas for social and emotional support for children
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health https://emergency.cdc.gov/coping/selfcare.asp
Social Media:
Online learning experiences for all ages by editors of Common Sense https://wideopenschool.org/
Common Sense Media https://www.commonsensemedia.org/
How Social Media Use Affects Teens https://childmind.org/article/how-using-social-media-affects-teenagers/
Apps To Help Kids Stay Focused https://www.commonsensemedia.org/lists/apps-to-help-kids-stay-focused
Teens Digital Life and Digital Citizenship: Teens Being Responsible Online https://raisingchildren.net.au/teens/entertainment-technology/digital-life/social-media
Spiritual Support: Live Stream Masses, Mass Dispensation, and Prayers:
St. Martin of Tours Parish: https://www.stmartinsweb.org/
Archdiocese of Washington: https://www.adw.org
Sunday Gospel Reflection. www.youtube.com/washarchdiocese
Food Assistance and Pantry Donations:
Food Assistance and Donations Drop-Off: https://www.stmartinsweb.org/
Make an Online Donation: https://membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/MD126/23164