Lenten Activities at St. Martin’s School
Lent is a special time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving at St. Martin’s School. As part of Lent, St. Martin’s tries to help those who are in need through our Lenten food drive. Our goal is to collect more than 9,000 food items by Holy Thursday. This year not only will each class prepare for Lent in a special way, but also the whole school will do a Lenten Project.
The entire school will be making pictures for the residents of Asbury and collecting snack items for the health care workers of Asbury. Kindergarten through 3rd grade will be creating a Lenten Cross with purple hearts of sacrifice and offerings.
Pre-K students will each choose a special Lenten sacrifice. Highlights include not screaming, saying extra prayers, and helping with dishes. We will also study the Stations of the Cross and have weekly Walking with Jesus Lenten reflections.
The Kindergarten class will be charting their good deeds, giving prayers to God, being kind, and doing a Lenten sacrifice.
The 1st grade class discussed what 'Little Sacrifices' each student will make during Lent. Some students will pray more often, some will give up candy, some students are giving up electronic games, and some students are helping around the house more. During Lent the class will continue to discuss their activities and how it affects their connection to God.
The 2nd grade students will be discussing different sacrifices that they can each make during the Lenten season. They will also be learning about the Stations of the Cross, the Last Supper, and Passover.
The 3rd grade will take a Lenten journey with daily activities to enrich their Lent and learn about the Stations of the Cross.
The 4th grade students will learn about the Stations of the Cross through various activities. They will also reflect on sacrifices that they can make during the season of Lent.
The 5th grade students are writing in a Stations of the Cross journal throughout Lent. In the journal, they will reflect on prompts that ask them to imagine they are walking with Jesus. Also, the whole class is decorating sun catchers that will be given out to residents at a local retirement community.
The 6th and 7th grade students will be creating Word Art based on Lent to be displayed in school. The theme for their Word Art is "Lent and Easter, What They Mean To Me.”
The 8th grade students will be practicing for the Living Stations of the Cross and creating a reenactment of the Lord’s Passion that they will present to the school and parents. They will also keep a daily journal of the things they are grateful for and reflect upon all of them at the end of Lent.