Our Catholic faith is central to our curriculum and permeates the life of the school. Students begin and end their day in student-led prayer. Students receive daily religious instruction to support their spiritual growth and this is integrated throughout all subjects. Weekly Mass, praying for a sick friend, openly thanking God for the beautiful day, or even learning to say a Hail Mary when an ambulance goes by steeps children in Catholic culture. Teaching the students these virtues maintains and passes on the very best of Catholic traditions.
The school community comes together at least monthly to celebrate Mass in our church. Each grade has the opportunity to host the Mass, which includes proclaiming the readings, writing the petitions, and serving as gift bearers and altar servers. The liturgy is enhanced with singing led by our school choir and cantors.
In the example of Christ, St. Martin’s students are encouraged to reach out in service to those in the local community. School-wide efforts are organized to help the homeless and the hungry. Our school community generously contributes to our Food Pantry during our Thanksgiving and Lenten Food Drives and donates to our Christmas Hat and Glove Drive. Grade level service projects are conducted in collaboration between parents and teachers.
Preparation for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Reconciliation is the central focus in second grade. It is a time of thanksgiving and reflection as these boys and girls participate more fully in the liturgy and come to understand the true presence of Jesus and his mercy and forgiveness. Elementary and middle school students are paired for Mass, special activities, prayer services and school-wide events. This program fosters responsibility, builds community, and often leads to lasting friendships. Confirmation preparation spans the seventh and eighth grade years, with students being confirmed in the Spring of their eighth grade year.